A rear-end accident can result in devastating consequences for Portland motorcyclists, leading to serious injuries and significant hardship. In these situations, it can be difficult to know what to do next. The actions that you take immediately after a motorcycle accident can have a major impact on your future. If you have been rear-ended while riding a motorcycle, take the following steps to protect your safety and prepare for future litigation.
It is important to understand your rights as a motorcycle accident victim in Portland. Oregon is a fault-based accident state that requires at-fault drivers to pay for the losses that their victims sustained in any collisions. If you are rear-ended by a negligent motorist, you have the right to file an insurance claim or lawsuit against him or her. You will need to show that the driver caused your accident in order to recover compensation in your case.
The first step that you should take after your motorcycle accident is to contact the police. Call 911 to bring officers and emergency medical services to the scene. The responding officer will create a report that you could use as evidence for your future case. If you can, speak to the officer and tell him or her what happened to the best of your ability. However, be careful about making any statements about your injuries or involvement in the accident. If you are unsure about any answer, simply state that you do not know.
Next, you should go to the hospital and receive medical attention for any injuries. Save all records related to your injuries and treatment; these documents will serve as powerful pieces of evidence for your future claim. You may not notice any symptoms after the accident and assume that you are not hurt. However, you should always go to the doctor after a motorcycle accident. Not only will this help support your case, but some injuries do not show symptoms at first. To avoid potentially life-threatening complications, always seek medical care as soon as possible.
If you are able, it is important to exchange your contact, license, and insurance information with the driver who rear-ended you. You will need this information to file your case. When exchanging these details, do not say anything about the accident or your injuries. Do not accept any cash from the driver or allow him or her to convince you not to file a claim. Anything that you do or say could impact your ability to recover compensation.
Next, you should take steps to document as much evidence as possible. If you can, take photographs and videos of the area around the accident, any property damage, and your injuries. If any witnesses saw the rear-end accident, ask for their contact information. All of this evidence can go a long way in proving your case.
Finally, you should contact an attorney who can represent your case and help you recover the compensation that you deserve. Do not speak to anyone else about your case before enlisting the help of an attorney. A motorcycle accident attorney in Portland can support you throughout the litigation process and advocate for your highest possible settlement. Schedule a consultation as soon as possible to learn about your legal options.
We proudly serve all throughout Multnomah County in Oregon. Visit our office at:
Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers
101 SW Main St. #1905
Portland, OR, 97204
(503) 773-3333
Hours: Open 24/7