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What to Do If I Was Hit by An Amazon Truck Driver

Posted on July 15, 2022 in

For many Oregon residents, Amazon is a convenient and reliable way to shop for products online. Unfortunately, drivers of Amazon delivery trucks are involved in serious accidents every year, harming other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists alike. If you are hit by an Amazon truck driver, you deserve justice. In these situations, take the following steps after your accident to seek the help you need and preserve as much evidence as possible. What to Do If I Was Hit by An Amazon Truck Driver

Call 911 and Report the Accident

First, you should call 911 after the accident and report the collision to law enforcement. The responding police officer will come to the scene, write down relevant information, and interview all involved parties about the collision. The officer will then create a police report that will include important details about your case, including when and where the accident happened and how the officer believes the collision occurred. You could use this report to establish important facts about your case and prove your right to compensation.

Go to the Hospital and Seek Treatment

Amazon delivery truck accidents often result in serious injuries. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible following your collision and receive the care that you need. Collect all records related to your injuries and continue to follow your doctor’s orders for treatment. You should always go to the doctor after a delivery truck accident, even if you do not feel hurt. You may not be aware of your injuries in the immediate aftermath of the crash. To avoid complications, seek treatment as soon as you can.

Collect Evidence, If Possible

After the accident, you may be seriously injured and unable to move around the area safely. However, if you are able to navigate the accident scene, take steps to collect as much evidence as possible. 

  • Take photographs and videos of the accident, your injuries, the vehicles, and the area around the crash.
  • Approach witnesses in the area and ask if you could have their contact information so that they could testify in your claim.
  • Briefly exchange insurance, contact, and license details with the Amazon delivery driver.

Do Not Speak to Company or Insurance Representatives

In some cases, a representative from Amazon or the company’s insurance company may reach out to you after the accident. This person may offer a settlement or support for closing your claim. While these offers may seem tempting, you should not speak to any Amazon or insurance representative after your collision. The first settlement offer you receive is likely to be low. It may not be enough to pay for your delivery truck collision injuries and damages. Additionally, anything that you say to the representative could harm your future case. To protect your case, decline to speak with the representative and consult with a lawyer instead.

Contact Our Injury Attorneys in Portland at Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers

If you were injured in an accident in Portland, OR, please contact our Portland injury lawyers at Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today.

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Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers
101 SW Main St. #1905
Portland, OR, 97204

(503) 773-3333
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