In Oregon, delivery drivers and their employers are financially liable for any accidents that they cause. Victims have the right to file insurance claims or lawsuits to recover compensation for the injuries that they sustained in the collision.
If you are injured in a delivery truck accident, you deserve justice. There are several types of damages that you could recover in a truck accident case, including lost wages, property damage, and medical expenses.
Many people suffer injuries in delivery truck accidents, including broken bones, traumatic brain damage, and spinal cord injuries. If you are injured in one of these collisions, you have the right to recover compensation to pay for your necessary medical care.
A delivery truck accident claim can help cover the following:
In your delivery truck accident claim, you have the right to secure damages for the medical care that you already received as well as your future treatment. If you require any accommodations or special care for a disability, you could recover compensation for these costs as well.
You may need to spend time away from work to recover from a delivery truck accident and receive medical treatment. In your claim, you can claim compensation for the wages that you lost during these periods.
If you are unable to return to your job because of your accident, you can also recover compensation for the loss of future earnings. You can recover the difference between your pre- and post-injury wages if you have to take another job, a lower-paying position, or reduced hours due to your accident. You can also receive compensation for full wage replacement if you are unable to work at all.
Many delivery truck accidents result in damage to the other driver’s vehicle and the possessions inside of the car. You can recover compensation for any property that was damaged in the collision. This may include repairs to your vehicle or a complete vehicle replacement if your car is totaled.
Finally, you can recover compensation for the pain and suffering that you endured as a result of your accident. This pain can be physical in nature, such as permanent disability, disfigurement, and chronic pain. You can also suffer from emotional pain and suffering, such as emotional distress, mental anguish, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Delivery truck drivers are trained to operate their vehicles safely and follow all traffic laws. Despite these obligations, serious accidents involving these vehicles occur every year. If you are injured in a delivery truck accident, you need a lawyer who can help you recover the compensation that you deserve.
After your accident, do not speak to any representatives from the delivery company or its insurer. Instead, contact an Portland delivery truck accident lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your legal options and plan your next steps.
If you were injured in an accident in Portland, OR, please contact our Portland truck accident lawyers at Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today.
Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers
101 SW Main St. #1905
Portland, OR, 97204
(503) 773-3333
Open 24/7