Motorcycle accidents can result in devastating consequences. Depending on the severity and cause of the collision, Portland accident victims can suffer severe injuries that require extensive medical care and lengthy recovery times.
Statistics show that certain locations and times of day see higher numbers of motorcycle collisions than others. It is important for Oregon motorcyclists to be careful during certain times—and if you are injured in a motorcycle collision, it is important to seek help as soon as possible.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an estimated 82,000 motorcyclists suffered injuries in collisions across the United States during 2018. Additionally, 4,985 motorcyclists died in collisions during 2018—a fatality rate 27 times higher than the average motor vehicle accident.
Out of these accidents, 37 percent occurred in dark conditions, 1 percent occurred at dawn, and 4 percent occurred at dusk. The majority of these accidents occurred during lighter conditions, with 59 percent happening during daylight.
In Oregon, motorcycle accidents can occur for several reasons, including defective vehicle parts, poor road conditions, and bad weather. In many cases, negligent driving behaviors are to blame for these collisions. Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents include the following.
Identifying the cause of a motorcycle accident is important because Oregon is fault-based accident state. People who are responsible for collisions are financially liable for their victims’ damages. If you are injured by a negligent driver, you have the right to file an insurance claim or lawsuit against him or her and recover compensation for medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, and more.
To secure compensation in an Oregon motorcycle accident claim, you will need to provide sufficient evidence showing the other driver’s liability. During an insurance claim, a representative will conduct an investigation, review evidence from both parties, and determine how the accident occurred, issuing a settlement decision based on his or her findings. During a lawsuit, you will need to prove four key elements.
Although you may be able to establish liability, motorcyclists are often subject to unfair scrutiny during the claims process. The insurance company may claim that you were not visible to the driver based on the time of your crash, or that your actions partially caused the accident. This can lead to your award being reduced or denied completely. In these situations, you need an attorney on your side.
A motorcycle accident lawyer can help you gather the evidence necessary to establish the at-fault party’s liability. He or she can advocate for your best interests during negotiations and protect you from accusations of fault. Contact an attorney as soon as possible following your collision to discuss your legal options.