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Landlord Liability for Portland Slip and Fall Injuries

Posted on May 27, 2022 in

Landlords have several duties in Oregon, many of which concern the upkeep of their properties. Unfortunately, many property owners allow their apartments, rental homes, and other properties to fall into disrepair, putting tenants and visitors at risk of a slip and fall accident.

If you slip and fall on your landlord’s property, you may qualify for legal action. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, the landlord may be liable for your slip and fall injuries.

The Impact of Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents can lead to serious and painful injuries. Many victims have to obtain extensive medical care and take weeks off of work to recover. Long-term complications may also arise. Common injuries in slip and fall accidents include the following.

Landlords Have a Duty to Maintain Safe Premises

In Oregon, landlords have a duty to maintain safe premises. If a hazard arises on the property, he or she must take steps to fix it as soon as reasonably possible. The landlord must also warn residents and visitors of the hazard while it remains on the premises. If the landlord breaches this duty, he or she would be financially liable for any injuries that occur as a result.

For example, if a tenant reports a set of broken stairs, the landlord must fix it. If the landlord ignores the request, he or she would be liable if someone slips and falls on the broken stairs.  After suffering a slip and fall, you have two pathways to hold the landlord accountable. First, you could file a personal injury lawsuit against the landlord in Oregon civil court. You could also pursue a claim against the landlord’s insurance coverage.

How to Prove a Slip and Fall Case Against a Landlord

To secure compensation in a slip and fall claim, you will need to establish the at-fault landlord’s negligence. During the insurance process, an adjuster will investigate your case and determine whether the landlord’s actions caused the accident.  When filing a personal injury lawsuit, you will need to gather enough evidence to prove four facts.

  • The landlord owed you a duty of care to maintain safe premises and warn of potential hazards.
  • The landlord breached his or her duty of care through a negligent act or failure to act.
  • The landlord’s breach of duty caused your accident and resulting injuries.
  • You suffered damages that you can collect in your lawsuit, such as medical care, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

You can leverage several pieces of evidence to prove your case, such as medical records, surveillance footage, and correspondence with your landlord. A Portland slip and fall attorney can gather the evidence you need to prove these elements and establish your right to compensation.

Speak to a Portland Slip and Fall Attorney

After being involved in a slip and fall accident, it is important to remain calm and seek help as soon as you can. Go to the hospital, save all pieces of evidence, and gather insurance information from your landlord.

Once you receive medical care, contact a Portland slip and fall lawyer to discuss your case. Your attorney will carefully analyze your case and identify your optimal path to recovery.

Contact Our Personal Injury Attorneys in Portland, OR – Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers

If you were injured in an accident in Portland, OR, please contact our Portland personal injury lawyers at Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today.

We proudly serve all throughout Multnomah County in Oregon. Visit our office at:

Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers
101 SW Main St. #1905
Portland, OR, 97204

(503) 773-3333
Hours: Open 24/7

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