Immediately after an auto accident, things are tense if not absolutely scary. Some people involved in small rear-end collisions may feel that they are not injured or are fine. It can be difficult at those moments to make clear and correct decisions, especially with all the adrenaline.
Keep in mind that everything you do after your accident may affect your ability to recover. If you are involved in an auto accident, here are the first steps you should take to not only protect your ability to financially recover but more importantly, ensure your health is taken care of.
Stay at the scene. It not only causes problems with proving injuries later on but if someone is seriously hurt or injured you could face criminal charges as well. Check on all other drivers and passengers and make sure everyone is alright.
Call the Police, they will come and document everything they can and request a police report. Exchange information with the other drivers, and take pictures of everything. Do not admit liability or state you are sorry, these statements can later come back to hurt you.
It is important that immediately after your auto accident you seek medical attention. This not only ensures that your health is cared for, but it strengthens your legal claim as well. Often times I meet with people who thought they were fine, only to find days later they can hardly move and their body is badly damaged.
When you wait to seek medical attention this gives the defense their first argument to claim a lapse or gap in treatment shows that you are not all that injured.
After the accident and once you have sought out medical attention, I want you to call my office and request an appointment. I will meet with you and discuss your accident and determine the best resolution with the insurance company. Most people do not understand that personal injury attorneys will work on a contingency basis.
What this means is that I do not get paid unless I recover something for you. The money that I recover for you, part of that is used to pay me for my services. Contact Tillmann Law at (503) 773-3333 or fill out a free contact form to speak with Aaron Tillmann, car accident attorney in Portland.
If you were injured in an accident in Portland, OR, please contact our Portland car accident lawyers at Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today.
Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers
101 SW Main St. #1905
Portland, OR, 97204
(503) 773-3333
Open 24/7